Ven a aprender, descubrir y divertirte con la nosotros!!!
Emphasizes understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and evidence-based conclusions. Topics include biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences.
Focuses on the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. It covers areas like information technology, software development, and digital tools.
Involves the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures. Engineering principles are applied to solve problems and create new products or systems.
Incorporates creativity and expression through visual arts, music, theater, and other forms. The Arts promote innovative thinking and a holistic approach to problem-solving.
Provides the foundation for understanding patterns, quantities, structures, and changes. It includes arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics.
Activitats STEAM de en Agres
Tallers per adults
Activitats per a donar a conèixer les tecnologies i la ciència. Dissenyats per els nostres experts en educació no formal.
Extraescolar STEAM Agres
El curs 2024-2025 en AGRES tenim una nova activitat extraescolar. PLACES MOLT LIMITADES, només 6 participants per grup, 2 grups (de 17-18 i de 18-19). Quota 25€ al mes.
Erasmus+ projects
We work at international level with other partners in different projects. Find out about, one of the STEAM projects that make us proud of our work!
Learning by doing
Learning by doing enhances critical thinking, fosters creativity, and solidifies understanding through hands-on experience.
Hands-on learning boosts engagement, builds practical skills, and encourages problem-solving abilities.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin Franklin
About us
STEAM ignites creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, blending art with science and tech.
Proficiency in STEAM unlocks endless innovation, critical thinking, and career opportunities.
Encourage hands-on projects, foster curiosity, provide resources, and promote collaboration.